Name: Lutpi
Npm: 031103033
Class: A
Pilgrimage is an obligation for moslem people because it is a part of
five pillars of islam. however, this obligation happens when moslem
people has been ready for all, especially physic, mental, and
material. actually, pilgrimage has been already since Ibrahim prophet
period and to be continued until now.there are several myth about
pilgrimage in Indonesian. one of them is, if people do the bad things
before doing pilgrimage, they will get divine judgment in Mecca. on
the contrary, if people do the good deed they will goodness too.
There are three ways in doing pilgrimage. they are "Tamattu, Qiran,
and Ifrad" but in Indonesian often do "Tamattu" because they never
bring DAM (animal of qurban). if we do "Tamattu pilgrimage, the ways
that should be done as follow:
1. Ihram (special clothing worn during [pilgrimage to Mecca and say"
Labaika Allahuma Labaik, Labaika La Syarika Lka Labaik, Inal Hamda
Wani'mata Laka Walmulki La Syarika Laka"
2. Go to Mina and pray zuhur, ashar, magrib, isya, and shubuh with
"qasar" without "jama'"
3. On 9 Dzulhijah leave for Arafah slowly. over there pray zuhur and
ashar with "Jama takdim" and 'Qasar". besides do "Wukuf" and zikir and
pray as much as possible and face to Kiblat.
4. In the evening leave for Muzdalifah slowly while reading "Talbiah".
over there, pray magrib and isya with "jama'" and "qasar". after that
live until pray shubuh.
5. Before sunrise, leave for Mina with seven stones for 'jumrah
Aqobah" and the rest we can take it at Mina.
6. In Mina doing several things as follow:
a. Jumrah aqobah
b. slaughter DAM(Animal)
c. have your hair cut.
7. Then leave for Mecca and do "Tawaf Ifadah, and sa'i"
8. Back to mina on Nahar day.
9. Throw three jumrah during stay in mina after sunset. Start from
jumrah ula(first), jumrah wustha(middle) , and jumrah aqobah(finally)
10. Tawaf Wada before leave for our country(Indnesia)
In my opinion, pilgrimage needs strong faith and physic too because
there are so many activity that should be followed in doing
pilgrimage. Besides, we have to prepare much money for staying in
Mecca and also for people who are leaving in our house.
In addition, we have to follow the rule of pilgrimage rigtly, we will
be a "Mabrur pilgrimage" and avoid to sin.
I have some suggestion for all people who wants to do pilgrimage they
are as follows:
1. prepare your faith as story as possible
2. prepare your body as healthy as possible
3. prepare your money as much as possible
4. avoid a bad attitude before and after pilgrimage, so you will be
a "Mabrur pilgrimage"
5. follow the rule pilgrimage rightly
Badan penerangan haji.1427 H. Petunjuk Jamaah Haji Dan Umrah serta
peziarah Masjid Rasul SAW. Jakarta. Direktorat percetakan dan Penerbitan.
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdul bin Baz 1427 H. Haji dan Umrah menurut
kitab dan sunah. Riyadh. Kementrian urusan agama islam, wakaf, dakwah
dan bimbingan islam.
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