Senin, 21 Januari 2008


Name: Lutpi
Npm: 031103033
Class: A
Hijriyah is celebrated every Muharam first by Moslem's people.
Hijriyah is started from Muhammad prophet move to Madinah from Mecca
which called "hijriyah".At the time, it is determined as moslem new
year. sometimes Muharram first is good day for orphan because people
give them some money or anything, such as clothe, shoes, and food.
they believe if they give something to orphan they will be bless.

Hijriyah is same with Masehi consist of twelve months. however, masehi
started at 00.00 Am, hijriyah started at 18.00pm or when sunset
happens. the name of months hijriyah are:
1. Muharram
2. Safar
3. Rabiul awal
4. Rabiul akhir
5. Jumadil awal
6. Jumadil akhir
7. Rajab
8. Sya'ban
9. Ramadhan
10. Syawal
11. Dzulkaidah
12. Dzulhijah
There are seven days in a week. they are:
1. Al-ahad(sunday)
2. Al-itsnayn(monday)
3. Ats-Tsalaatsa( tuesday)
4. Al-Arba'aa(wednesda y)
5. Al-khamiis(thuesday )
6. Al-jum'aat(friyday)
7. As-sabt(saturday)
there are several important date in hijriyah callender
1. 1 Muharram: new year hijriyah
2. 10 Muharram: Asyura day. the day is considerate for death of "Imam
Husain bin Ali"
3. 12 rabiul awal: birth of Muhammad prophet
4. 27 rajab: "Isra Mi'raj"
5. Ramadahan: fasting month
6. 27 ramadhan: Nuzulul Qur'an
7. Ten of end ramandahan: Lailatul Qadar
8. I syawal: Idulfitri day
9. 9 Dzulhijah: Wukuf in arrafah for pilgrimage
10. 10 Dzulhijah: Idul adha day

In Indonesia there are several religions such as Islam, Kristen,
Hindu, and Budha. Indonesian uses masehi calendar as a national
calendar. As we know, starting day between masehi and hijriyah system
is different, it influences in determining important days for moslem
people. such as ramadhan first, idul fitri first and idul adha days.

the conclusion of the essay is hijriyah started from Muhammad prophet
move to Madinah from Mecca. moslem people should know abaout hijriyah
calendar and they should feel proud of it. they also celebrate
hijriyah days with move from the bad to good thing

- Wikipedia Indonesia, ensiklopedia kalendar hijriyah @
- Serpihan mutiara 2.0 "sejarah singkat tahun hijriyah @

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